Today is the 80th anniversary of the D-Day, and I’ve decided to relase a small expansion for the RiTA including three night scenarios inspired by the Battle of Merville Gun Battery, a series of British assaults beginning 6 June 1944 as part of Operation Tonga. Each scenario can be played individually or you can play them as a short campaign. The scenarios are included in both a full graphic version and a printer-friendly version. Scenario list:

WW2-81: GLIDERSYour unit was transported by gliders in the operation area, a few hours before the D-Day. Bad weather forced you to land on an unknown position.
WW2-82: NIGHT ADVANCEYou must progress toward your objective using the cover of the night.
WW2-83: CASEMATE TWOYou received the order to immediately attack Casemate Two, even if you have a very limited support available.

Get the DD80 package here.

I’ve also included in the package some additional counters for the players only owning RiTA to allow them to play with the British.